Guinea Pig Magazine is on a mission to promote the health, happiness, enrichment and welfare of guinea pigs. If you love guinea pigs, this glossy printed magazine is a must have! Here’s a little bit of what to expect from issue 83:
Magical Adventures Await! With A Herd of Derpy Beans @Burrito_Nibbler. Beanbag is the perfect cover star for our Christmas issue. In this issue, we meet AJ Kwong and chat with her all about her beautiful herd of piggy beans!
5 Festive Piggy Activities for Your Floofs to Enjoy. Sarah Birtley, the Guinea Guru behind Squeak Dreams, shares her top tips on getting festive with your piggies this year.
Our Xmas Gift BONANZA is Back! 6 Pages of Piggy Perfect Presents. Put your feet up, grab a pig and a mince pie, and shop until you need a dry top!
Manis & Pedis. Stress-free nail trimming tips! When you should cut your piggy’s nails and how to do it without traumatising them. Purring or Burring? Grease gland cleaning tips and what’s behind your piggy’s purring behaviour?
Your Letters, Pics & Questions, Shared & Answered. A meeting of like-minded piggy people. You are never alone in this community. So let’s get together and feel alright. We try to include as many of your messages and photos as possible. Share your letters with us at alison@guineapigmagazine.com
Rescue Realities with Sue Tate. Could you really run a rescue? So, you still think you want to run a rescue? The final installment of Sue Tate’s insightful series from Cavy Corner.
Guinea Pig Magazine (GPM) is the world’s only regularly published magazine dedicated to pet guinea pigs and has been running since 2011.
Their award-winning team of experts and contributors will provide you with all the information you need to know to give your piggies the best life possible. There’s also plenty for the humans to enjoy too, from competitions and product reviews to celebrity guinea pig features, rescue stories and heart-warming tales of kindness and compassion.
Guinea Pig Magazine invite you to join our community of fluff-loving guinea pig fanatics!