Sometimes, articles don’t fall neatly into a category. They need somewhere else to sit. So here they are in ‘other’! A couple of super-useful extra pages on holiday plans (and what to do with your piggies)and insurance for small animals. Take the links below or use our drop-down menu to find out more.

When you are going away for a weekend or perhaps a longer holiday, it’s important to have peace of mind that your guinea pigs will be well looked after. It’s also important for health and well-being that they receive proper care and attention. Here are some of our tips to help you (and your piggies!) enjoy that well-earned break!

Deciding whether or not to purchase insurance for your guinea pig(s) is a personal choice, made all the more difficult by the lack of choice of insurance providers for small animals. Unsurprisingly, dogs, cats and even rabbits are much easier to find competitive insurance quote for than guinea pigs, which are still often classified as ‘exotic’ pets. Here's our guide: