The Sheba (or Sheba Mini Yak) Guinea Pig
The Sheba Mini Yak, or Sheba, is another of those guinea pigs with the most amazing ‘I just got out of bed’ hair. Their untamed locks only serve to add character to their personality and (as you might guess from the name) they have been likened to a shaggy-haired creature, the Yak. A cross between an Abyssinian and a Peruvian guinea pig, first bred in Australia, their hair sticks out at various angles and is impossible to tame. You must still groom them regularly to ensure their coat doesn’t get matted, tangled or too long around their back end/feet. But don’t expect to get it looking ‘neat’. In our opinion though, that’s why these guinea pigs are so adorable! The Sheba isn’t yet a recognised breed but there’s no reason for that to put you off this scruffy ball of gorgeous fluff. They are good natured guinea pigs with sweet and enquiring personalities.
| APPEARANCE: Long, thick, straight, ‘punky’ hair, rosetted and sticking out at every angle possible. Often with a Peruvian style ‘quiff’ on the forehead.
| FUN FACTS: The Sheba guinea pig is affectionately named after the ‘Yak’ because of its scruffy, shaggy-haired appearance.
| PERSONALITY: Inquisitive guinea pigs with a sweet and gentle personality.
| HANDLING: Usually easy to handle.
| GROOMING: Will need regular grooming to ensure their coats doesn’t get tangled or harbour cage debris. Don’t expect it to look ‘neat’ though! Will also require some trimming around the bottom and leg area if it gets long, to ensure good hygiene.
At HayPigs!® we have had two Sheba Mini Yak guinea pigs, Sylvester and Mabel.