Teddy Guinea Pig
Teddy guinea pigs are short-haired, with a dense, wiry coat. They are a popular breed for children, as they are relatively low maintenance (as far as guinea pig maintenance goes!) and generally very friendly with humans. Because their hair is so short and bristly, it does not tangle and will only need lightly brushing to keep it free of debris. One little quirk of the Teddy guinea pig is its upturned nose, a feature unique to Teddies.
| APPEARANCE: Short-haired, with a dense, wiry coat.
| FUN FACTS: The reason they are called "Teddy" guinea pigs is because they look a lot like stuffed toy teddy bears.
| PERSONALITY: Known for being curious and attention seekers.
| HANDLING: Generally very easy to handle as they love human company!
| GROOMING: Do not require hair regular grooming. Occasional brushing will suffice.