HayPigs!® attend a Virtual Trade Show!

Here’s something a bit different, we’re going to be exhibiting at a Pet Trade Show, but with a subtle difference - it’s VIRTUAL! 🐹🎪❤️🤘 And guess what?! The guinea pigs are coming too! 🐹🎉🙌💯(well kind of!) So come visit our stand at VIRTUAL PETINDEX on the 14th and 15th June 2020 (Trade ONLY), you can sign up for free via vpetindex.vfairs.com/en

What we can guarantee is that it’s dead easy to get there, lunch is free, we promise your feet won’t ache half as much as they normally do at a trade show and for those of you unfortunate enough to have an allergy to small animals, you can enjoy our piggies without any need to worry!

So please drop by and say hello! Wheek soon! 🐹👍